Summer plans

It's been years since I did a big trip for summer where I really can relax and call it a vacation, but that doesn't mean I can't enjoy summer even if it's a little bit. I usually go to Rupanco lake with my family or Ranco lake with my friends I really like it because I like to swim and it's even better with all the heat there is in summer it's really refreshing, but I prefer to swim in lakes because it scares me a little swimming in the sea I always think that anything can appear in the sea I don't know why it's something I always have thought since I was little. But I'm concerned that I can't do any of this for this year because of quarantine. I would like to go to Pucatrihue with my friends because it is a trip we always wanted to do but we never could even if it's located on the beach coast by the sea it's a beautiful place. We also go to Frutillar where we go to Llanquihue Lake. I really enjoy going on these little trips because I ha...